For nearly 40 years, the Marquette Builders Exchange has been awarding scholarships to U.P. students who are continuing their education in construction. Areas of study have included: industrial maintenance, welding, masonry, plumbing, carpentry, architecture, engineering, drafting, electrical, and construction management. Over the years, those students have gone on to be successful and integral members of the U.P. work force. Scroll down for a list of past scholarship winners and school funds awarded.
Scholarships for U.P. High School Seniors:
The Marquette Builders Exchange awards $500 scholarships to U.P. high school seniors who will be furthering their education in order to pursue careers in the construction industry. The deadline is April 1.
Apply online for the scholarship or Download the application.
Apprentice Scholarships:
Upper Peninsula residents who are completing a DOL certified apprenticeship program in a field of construction are eligible to apply for $500 apprentice scholarships. To apply, fill out the application and return it, along with a copy of your official registration. The deadlines are Feb 1 and Oct 1.
Apply online for the scholarship or Download the application.
School Grants:
The Marquette Builders Exchange provides U.P. schools with funds to help update their industrial arts and building trades classrooms, or to purchase tools, safety equipment, or construction materials. Funds can also be used to providing bussing to competitions, field trips, or events. The deadline is October 1.
Apply online for the school grant or Download the application.
Other Scholarships & Assistance:
To apply for the Home Builders Association of the U.P. Scholarship, click here. Other opportunities are available for students pursuing Career & Technical Education degrees by contacting the CTE Committee of Marquette & Alger Counties. Please visit MARESA’s CTE website to learn more.

Schools Funded:
- 2024 – Dickinson-Iron ISD in Kingsford – $950 for a laser level tripod kit
- 2024 – Superior Central Schools in Eben – $1,000 for class field trips to job sites & competitions
- 2024 – Delta-Schoolcraft ISD in Escanaba – $900 for a cordless nail gun an new levels
- 2024 – Ironwood Area Schools – $600 for a right angle die grinder and a tungsten grinder
- 2023 – Dickinson-Iron ISD in Kingsford – $2,000 to purchase a SawStop safety table saw
- 2023 – Delta-Schoolcraft ISD in Escanaba – $1,000 for concrete mixing tub & tools
- 2023 – Delta-Schoolcraft ISD in Manistique – $875 for a portable miter saw
- 2023 – Ironwood Area Schools – $2,000 for a manual slip roller
- 2022 – Gwinn Middle/High School – $1,000 towards Geometry in Construction teacher training
- 2022 – Delta-Schoolcraft ISD in Escanaba – $1,400 for metal roofing to complete the mezzanine
- 2022 – Superior Central School – $600 to purchase two cordless circular saws
- 2021 – Superior Central School – $617 to purchase a miter saw. See their thank you video!
- 2021 – Gwinn Middle/High School – $735 for drafting tables
- 2021 – Gwinn Elementary – $108 to purchase math books
- 2021 – Dickinson-Iron ISD in Kingsford – $629 to purchase a miter saw
- 2021 – Delta-Schoolcraft ISD in Escanaba – $2,000 for lumber to build a mezzanine for storage
- 2021 – Delta-Schoolcraft ISD in Manistique – $1050 for cordless nail guns
- 2020 – Engadine High School – $1,560 for carpentry tools, hands tools, power equipment, safety supplies
- 2019 -Republic High School – $1,000 for electrical improvements to the industrial arts classroom
- 2019 – Gwinn High School – $3,000 for lumber & supplies to build saunas in the building trades class
Past High School Scholarship Winners:
Tyler Chantelois, Westwood High School
Noah Eric Johnson, Kingsford High School
McKenna Marie Trulock, Kingsford High School
Eli Wallis, Kingsford High School
Easton Palomaki, Negaunee High School
Lexi Vross, Kingsford High School
Tyler Willey, Ishpeming High School
Nicholas Anderson, Luther L Wright K-12
Brenten Belanger, Negaunee High School
Connor Erickson, Kingsford High School
Jordana Hardy, Gwinn High School
Austin Jordan, Hancock Central High School
Jenna Olkkonen, Kingsford High School
Westen Owens, Iron Mountain High School
Scott Pendergraft, Escanaba High School
Dante Basanese, Iron Mountain High School
Natalie Monette, Lake Linden-Hubbell School
Aiden Christianson, Rapid River High School
Logan Chaudier, Negaunee High School
Drew DuShane, Negaunee High School
Heston Roberts, North Star Academy
Ryan Taylor, Manistique High School
Noah Weaver, Escanaba High School
Austin Brewer, Westwood High School
Noah Jacko, Kingsford High School
Theo Kumpala, Negaunee High School
Thomas LaFave, Ishpeming High School
Jacob Maxon, Iron Mountain High School
Joseph Roell, North Dickinson County School
Kyle Hupp, Chassell Township Schools
Gabriel Johnson, North Dickinson High School
Blaine Reinhart, Escanaba High School
Kalysta Sormunen, Marquette Alternative High School
Austin Alexa, North Dickinson High School
Matthew Chard, Houghton High School
Heather Harris, Kingsford High School
Clayton Johnson, Escanaba High School
Levi Lindberg, Ewen-Trout Creek High School
Natasha Smith, Escanaba High School
Daryn Carter, Marquette High School
Derek Carter, Marquette High School
Joe Ferzacca, Marquette High School
Tyler Rushford, Munising High School
Andrew Heinonen, Westwood High School
Matthew Laiho, Westwood High School
Justin Beauchamp, Gwinn High School
Michael Remilong, Negaunee High School.
Matthew Robert Anderson, Marquette High School
Cameron Verigin, Marquette High School
Samual Huron Lakenen, Marquette High School
Craig Ekstrum, Marquette High School
Haylee Lakenen, Gwinn High School
Raymond Anderson, Westwood High School
Hunter Mahoski, Westwood High School
Dylan Dowrick, Marquette High School
Andrew Jarvi, Republic-Michigamme High School
Zachary Niemi, Ishpeming High School
Laura Simula, Westwood High School
Danielle Vilona, Negaunee High School
Dylan Etelamaki, Westwood High School
Rudy Goupille, Negaunee High School
Chad Laiho, Westwood High School
Kenneth Peterson, Ishpeming High School
Zachary Solka, Ishpeming High School
Chase Elliot, Marquette High School
Samuel Genord, Ishpeming High School
James Rautio, Ishpeming High School
Devin Tapani, Negaunee High School
Andrew Carlson, Ishpeming
Bradley St. Germain, Negaunee
Daniel VanAlstyne, Gwinn
Travis Allen, Ishpeming
Matthew Barry, Republic-Michigamme
John Heikkila, Westwood
Kyle Kestila, Westwood
Korin Blubaugh, Republic-Michigamme
Daniel Murray, Westwood
David Sutton, Marquette
Stephen Talaga, Negaunee
Brian Bolm, Marquette
Steffanie Pepin, Westwood
Amy Ruona, Westwood
Jordon Skytta, Westwood
Eric Uuro, Ishpeming
Joshua Wiljanen, Westwood
Timothy Barrette, Negaunee
Jon Betz, Marquette
Erin Feeley, Marquette
Alisa Minard, Westwood
Bryce Hattamer, Gwinn
Emily Mantila, Westwood
Eric Sibley, Westwood
Nicholas Thompson, Negaunee
Ryan Ward, Negaunee
John Bauman, Negaunee
Jacob Carlson, Westwood
Michael Jakubowski, Gwinn
John Carstens, Marquette
Raquel Magdaleno, Gwinn
Paul J. Skoglund, Gwinn
Brenna N. Barney, Gwinn
Andrew M. Buck, Ishpeming
Randy Makela, Marquette
Robert Noe, Gwinn
Eric J. Pietila, Gwinn
Andrew Luehmann, Ishpeming
Adam Manty, Westwood
Jennifer Tapio, Republic-Michigamme
Mark Anderson, Gwinn
Amanda Angeli, Marquette
Bruce A. Cram, Jr., Gwinn
Marguerite Ledebuhr, Gwinn
Joel Prusi, Republic-Michigamme
Melissa Beltz, Gwinn
David Green, Gwinn
Anthony Parkinson, Republic-Michigamme
Benjamin Ranta, Ishpeming
Nicole Silva, Gwinn
Lee Ahola, Westwood
Brian Frustaglio, Negaunee
Travis Hongisto, Westwood
John Larson, Negaunee
Trever Nicholas, Ishpeming
Joseph J. Eppert, Republic-Michigamme
Karl Haapala, Westwood
Jeff Gregorich, Marquette
Gabriel J. Seelen, Ishpeming
Cory Bushong, Westwood
Johanna Kasubowski, Westwood
Andrew Kotila, Negaunee
Aaron Oja, Republic-Michigamme
Todd Wills, Gwinn
Let us know if you were a recipient of a scholarship before 1995!
Past Apprenticeship Scholarship Winners:
Alexander Dobbs, Sheet Metal Workers
Ty Miron, Sheet Metal Workers
John O’Connor, Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers
Donny Schultz, Plumbers & Pipefitters
Thomas John Seablom, Jr., Plumbers & Pipefitters
David Bivins, Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers
Sarah Wolenski, Carpenters & Millwrights
Jersie Skrzniarz, Electricians
Trevor Salmon, Plumbers & Pipefitters
Jamie Chandler, Plumbers & Pipefitters
Jason Palomaki, Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers
Dylan Scott Trudell, Electricians
Noah Brooks, Sheet Metal Workers
Justin Lindsay, Carpenters & Millwrights
Michael Tyner, Carpenters & Millwrights
Jacob Gentz, Carpenters & Millwrights