Member Application

I hereby apply for membership in the Marquette Builders Exchange of Marquette, Michigan, and promptly pay all annual dues of $425, prorated. I pledge to do all in my power to carry out the objectives of the Exchange as set forth in its Constitution and to abide by all bylaws and rules of the Exchange, and all amendments thereof, so long as I shall retain my membership.

Membership Application

  • Please be descriptive and specific – this is for your listing on our website
  • If different from main email
  • List employee names & email addresses to receive the weekly newsletter. Also if they should be listed as contacts for your company in the online Member Directory (Y/N).
  • Who referred you to this organization?
  • Please note that the fee is prorated based on when you are submitting your application. Make sure to select the proper month below to be charged the correct amount.
  • $0.00