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Carpet Specialists, Carpet One

Deborah Niehaus

400 Lakeshore Drive
Ispeming, MI 49849

phone (906) 486-8077

print (906) 486-6060

mail debbyn@carpetspecialists.com

Gegare Tile

Jim Gegare

1337 Russet Court
Green Bay, WI 54313-8903

phone (920) 434-3106

print (920) 434-1824

mail general@gegaretile.com

mail teresa@gegaretile.com

H.J. Martin and Son

Sheri Deleveaux

320 S. Military Avenue
Green Bay, WI 54303

phone (920) 490-3461

mail bids@hjmartin.com


Krysta Seder/John Seder/Carla Coleman

1809 N. Lincoln Road
Escanaba, MI 49829

phone (906) 786-1313

print (906) 786-1448

mail Krysta@hslivingup.com

mail John@hslivingup.com

mail Carla@hslivingup.com

Pemble Concrete Coatings & Polising

Daniel Croney

650 Vandenboom Rd
Marquette, MI 49855

mobile (906) 361-6562

mail pembleconcrete@gmail.com

Superior Polymer Products

Kurt Johnson

25280 Renaissance Road
Calumet, MI 49913

phone (906) 337-3355

print (906) 337-3357

mail main@superiorpolymer.com

mail kurt@superiorpolymer.com

Upper Peninsula Carpet Mart

Derick Eitrem

265 West 3 Mile Rd
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

phone (906) 635-1026

mail info@upcarpetmart.com